24 September 2006


It was a dark and stormy night....actually it was Friday afternoon when the first storm rolled in. It was about 3pm or so & I was responding to message sent to me about Pam's GimpMobile. We are selling her current ride via EBay and I'll be flying to Minneapolis on or about the 4th of October to pick up her "new" replacement, an '05 Dodge Grand Caravan SE w/all of the bells & whistles. More on that later...or not.

Anyhow, the 1st storm rolled in w/more lightning strikes and instant thunder response than I have ever experienced...all around and, seemingly, on the house. Then the 2nd storm hit.... & the 3rd. For 15 hours, storm after storm after storm rolled through from west to east with perhaps 2 or 3 minutes of peace between them. Each one accompanied by more lightning strikes and truly deafening thunder than either Pam or I had ever experienced (I know i said that already). She grew up in the Mariannas & Hawaii, I've experienced monsoons and typhoons but these were a once in a lifetime series of storms, I hope. It was pretty unsettling. We'd hear them coming from the west, cross hard over our property and head out east. Turns out we'd received over 19 inches of rain in a 20-some hour period on our unofficial back deck rain guage. I don't know, but I think that's a shitload of rain. We have (too many) cats and because if them we buy 40# buckets of poop litter. I keep an empty one on the back deck because I've been so impressed with the high volume/short time rainfall. The top opening is 11.25" x 9" and the base is 7.75" x 10" and it's 14.5" tall. So, okay, it's not a prime rain guage because of the slight taper but actually it's pretty close. I know that the 1" depth at the bottom is not really 1" of rain, but I'll let you work it out. This thing was overflowing at 11:30 am on Saturday, I ran out and dumped it and by 4:00 pm Saturday afternoon there was another 5.5 inches. I'd say that there was real 18" of rain. I don't know how long it had been overflowing before I dumped it but who cares? 18" of rain is (only some pun intended) a boatload. The Spring River which is just north of us has a real live underground spring that is its source. It's cleverly called "Mammoth Spring" and it is at the MO/AR border about 25 miles north if here. At the River Bend RV Park, just north of us in Hardy, AR, the river level was slightly over 3 feet at 3pm on Friday afternoon. It's a great trout fishing and tubing creek. Mammoth Spring gushes 9,000,000+ gallons of water at its source. At 3am Saturday morning, the river level was 26 feet.

The original estimate of rainfall was 18 inches (at 1pm Saturday afternoon) but that was cut back to a mere 14 inches due to hail estimates...boy, did that make me feel better. I'll put up some photos of campers that had been buried in the woods by the river surge. A couple of houses were eaten by tornados just south of Ash Flat (2 miles from us) and other numerous tornados were confirmed just east of us. I put Pam and the doggie into the one internal room we have on this house.
The Geez

13 September 2006

Like Nirvana Without Kirk...

Since I resigned my job w/MGM Mirage in Las Vegas last 01 Nov 06, my life has been Nirvana (but without Kirk Cobain...oh, sorry, I guess that's redundant). But that's over now. Pam's GimpMobile has been giving us little, but costly, fits so it's up for sale and we've already put a down payment on a replacement. We purchased an '05 Dodge Grand Caravan SE w/about 26,000 mi. It's already rigged for Gimpness w/a powered ramp, remote access, etc., but we still had to order the conversion company's cool power transfer seat (kinda' comes back to meet her) and, of course, hand controls. The van, as it is now, is a staggering $32,050 and the seat thingie plus hand controls adds another adds another $2,900. Then there's taxes. I'll be flying up to MSP to pick it around 05 Oct, I hope. (I'm heading to Tucson and Las Vegas 17-23 Oct.)
So we are doing a Line-Of-Credit against the house...DAMN IT!! We have a small-ish but comfortable 1,400 sqft home on 10 acres at the very end of a dirt road in the beautiful woods in northeastern Arkansas that until now was free & clear. Yeah, we made it 9 months. We just don't have an easier way to come up w/the money necessary, so we're essentially doing a mortgage. I might ...no, I will HAVE to find a job (again). Shit. There's not a lot of anything up here so is it okay if I practice my new skills on you?

Practice Speech #1:
"Would y'all like fries with that?"

All we'll be needing is about $115/month more to break even but we don' t want to have to just break even, so I'll sacrifice my beer drinking time (& expenses) & get some sort of part-time employment for 2 years or so.

Practice Speech #2:
"Welcome to Wal*Mart, y'all!"

How'd I do? Did you really feel welcome?

Practice Speech #3:
I'm sorry, y'all, but we'all don't let Colored folks in here, I hope ya'unnerstand?"

Okay, I'm kidding about that one--DON'T LEAVE A COMMENT. IT WAS JUST A JOKE DONE IN BAD TASTE!!

Anyhow, here's a link to the Rollx Van site:
click on this and then find an '05 or '06 Caravan SE and pretend it's silver. And that Pam is at the helm w/me in the rear bench seat passed out from too many Pabst Blue Ribbon Lights... Oh, wait, I doubt if anyone can pass out from any number of PBR Lights....

The Geez

01 September 2006

And who is 'Little Jimmy'?

Little Jimmy is the son of my older brother, (also a Jim). He's probably the coolest of anybody in the whole Keough family. He came to visit Pamela & me in Las Vegas a couple of years ago and we enjoyed his company immensely. I came across him & some of his friends in the Atlanta area a few times (much to his chagrin...he thinks I'm "Obnoxious") some years back when my former employer sent me there.
I call him "Little" because I'm hoping he hates it, since he thinks I'm obnoxious.
I'm pretty much the biggest of the existing clan. I'm 6' exactly and somewhat (*ahem*) over 200 pounds. My sister is just 11 and 3/4 inches shy of 6 feet. My brother is probably about 5' 9"; not sure as I never, ever see him. Plus he's 6 years older so I didn't get to hang out w/him as a kid. My mom was at, perhaps, under 5' and dad was maybe 5'9', also. I used to think that I was adopted because I was so much different than other family members....only one with blue eyes, too.

Oh, and the "Koff" last name? That's how the unwashed, undereducated, inarticulate masses pronounce our Irish last name which may or may not have too many extra letters in it to make it really confusing.