Another Nice Mess I've Gotten Myself Into...

Well, probably (okay, very likely) while under the influence of a truly premium beer (Milwaukee's Best Ice: 5.9% alc/vol: 24 12oz cans for $9.99 at the Flash Market in Thayer, MO) I foolishly declared to my adoring public that I had this blog site. Now hundreds if not thousands will be logging in to read these Holy Words.
I'm months behind in my postings and there's a pretty good chance that it will be another many months before I actually catch up and then maintain this drivel-laden site.
I'm going to try to attach a photo to this posting. It's going to suck and it's one most of you have seen. And, yes, Santa's holding a Sam Adams rather than a Milwaukee's Best IceVomit because I wanted santa to show some class.
Shit. I wanted it down here in the body of the text. God, I suck at this. I want to add an mp3 file but I guess I'll wait until I read some "instructions". I hate instructions. It only took me 6 tries to upload new firmware onto my drums (GODDAM IT! That image is supposed to be down here, too, not up there next to fkng Santa!!). Had I read the firmware's load pdf file I would have been able to do it on the 1st try. In fact, the 6th attempt WAS after I read the instructions. Went smoothly. I hate instructions. I'll bet that's why I was so successful in USAF: 3 years, 9 months, & 17 days of ecstasy there, I'll tell you.
That's it, I'm quitting for the day.
I've been blogging for years and I STILL haven't figured out how to imbed an MP3 in a post.
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