Proud Parents

Geez, we are such suckers. We've been trying to tame some feral cats that hang around here so we can get them to the vet to be fixed and then re-released. Too late. The male is obviously the son of the female, and, yes, there's been an incestuous event down here in the Bible Belt! Holy Jayzuz, NOOOOO!!!!
A pack o' five kitties were born right around 01 Aug. We finally found where momma's been keepin' the little ones. Our neighbor across and up the road found them in her garden tool shed. Since then, one wriggled out of the shed and into the path of their El Camino (fkng ouch!). Pam & I took them yesterday and so every 4 hours, I'm in there with an eye dropper feeding them a formula I found on the Inter Webs. Here's a cutsie/nauseating photo. They've since been moved into a large dog crate in which I built (duct taped) a little second floor/balcony shelf into a back corner where they all fight to roost. I've actually seen all four of them up there at one time but generally it'll hold just two nicely.
When I picked up the kittens, I also attempted to get Momma, who would occasionally let me pet her--if there's food around-- and put her in w/the kids. I actually got her in my arms when she exploded into a cat spittle & clawing frenzy. Holy shit! I haven't bled that much since my last ice hockey game!
Momma sauntered on by this morning in search of vittles (succesfully, of course: please refer to the opening sentence) and I brought one of the kittens out to her to see if she'd nurse. She hissed, growled, and walked away. God DAYAM! Nearly every woman I've ever known has done that to me! I guess my sparkling personality has already been infused into the newbies.
Feeding time at the Keough/Hyde Zoo.
Eventually, I'll get into the exciting lives of Kevin & Pamela and regale you all with golden nuggets of wit and wisdom and stories of who we are and how we got to the Arkansas Ozark Mountain foothills.
The suspense must be killing you...
So how much did it cost for some kid to help you set this up and transfer your rantings onto the InterNet?
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